Thursday, March 22, 2007

Edwards Still Running

When I heard that John Edwards and his wife, Elizabeth, had scheduled a press conference following days of testing with doctors, my heart sank. First, I feared her cancer had come back and, while nobody deserves cancer, she certainly has already faced more than her share of challenges...but cancer is unforgiving that way. Second, I feared we were going to lose a vibrant candidate among the Democrats, one who is enough of a threat to keep this from being a 2-horse race in the Primary. Besides, between the three--Clinton, Obama, and Edwards--I definitely lean toward Edwards.

As it turned out, the news was mixed: her cancer is back and no longer curable...but they're hopeful they caught it early and are not quitting the campaign. And if you missed the press conference but have a chance to watch a replay, I suggest you do so because it will show you, in a nutshell, why the Edwards campaign remains compelling. This is a couple whose public fight for the health of this country is now epitomized by their personal fight for the health of Elizabeth. We are fortunate that they discovered the cancer's spread early and that they are still willing and able to champion his ideas.

And if you think he's using his wife's illness to garner more attention and votes, then you are too cynical by half. Their love for each other and this country was all too apparent. Regardless of whether he lasts as a candidate, I, for one, appreciate his openness and dedication. I will certainly be praying for his wife's continuing treatments to be effective.

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