Monday, May 19, 2008

Edwards Finally Endorses

I know this is late. I should have posted this last Wednesday as soon as Senator Edwards made his endorsement of Senator Obama official. I guess I was just too happy and content to think about blogging then. I sat there with a smile on my face all through his rousing speech, while my husband kept ranting and raving about how he should have done this much earlier.

But think about it...when Governor Richardson endorsed much earlier, it seemed important at the time and yet, now, who even thinks of Richardson? I think the longer you hold out your endorsement (as long as you don't hold it out too long until after the race has been decided), the more powerful it can be. And there's no doubt that Edwards' endorsement is important at this stage, particularly when Obama needs the white working class the most. I suppose Kentucky will be the real test, but I'm concerned that Edwards isn't campaigning there with Obama (at least as far as I know). And the latest Kentucky poll doesn't look that promising. So I imagine this Tuesday's results will be split again like they were last week. Oregon for Obama and Kentucky for Clinton.

In any event, the math tells us it really doesn't matter anymore. Hillary's only shot is getting the superdelegates to swing her way and, barring some terrible development in the Obama camp, that just isn't going to happen. That's why John Edwards came out and put his stamp of approval on our next Democratic Presidential nominee.

Now, if only Obama would pick him as his running mate (doubtful, I know), then I'd be able to use that Edwards '08 yard sign (along with an Obama '08 yard sign) that's been stored in our Laundry Room since the day it arrived in the mail...about a week after he pulled out of the race!

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