Saturday, May 10, 2008

McCain's Pastor Problem

Obama has denounced Reverend Wright's anti-American statements as well as his other inflammatory speech, but what does John McCain do? He sought out the endorsement of not just one, but TWO evangelical pastors (no doubt in an effort to secure the so-called conservative vote). I'm sure by now that most Americans have heard about Pastor Hagee and the way he rages against the Catholic Church (calling it the great whore of the earth) as well as other things.

But how many of us have heard of this established pastor in Ohio, a much-needed swing state in the general election this fall?

Are we really at war with Islam? Islamic terrorists are one thing...but they represent only, perhaps, 1% of one of the world's three great religions. But Islam, itself? This is a religion that recognizes Jesus Christ as one of the greatest prophets to have ever lived. This is a religion that, according to its holy book, the Koran, recognizes Christians and Jews alike as "people of the book" (meaning the Bible) and, therefore, kindred spirits in a way since Jews and Christians respect many of the same prophets that Muslims do.

As one who has lived among Muslims in the Middle East, I find it highly alarming that a presidential candidate would tie himself so closely to a man with such a skewed misunderstanding of such a large percentage of the world's population. McCain paints himself as knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to foreign policy, but he's WAY off here...unless he's just pandering for votes. In any case, he has lost my respect entirely. I voted for him in the Primary in 2000, but this is not the same John McCain today.

Ask yourself: Do we really want a war with Islam? Do we really want a President who will support, and not reject, such an idea?

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