Wednesday, January 9, 2008

No More Polling, Please

Everyone today, especially the media, is scratching their heads over Hillary's unexpected victory over Obama in New Hampshire yesterday. There has been analysis ad nauseum as to how the pollsters could have gotten it so wrong. Possible causes discussed have included racism, the gender gap, polls not going on long enough, inaccurate and unprofessional exit polling, college kids being away on break, the way Obama and Edwards seemed to gang up on her in Saturday's debate, and certainly Hillary's Emo-Moment (when she teared up) which was broadcast for all to see over and over the day before the polls opened.

I imagine some, if not all, of these may have played some role in upsetting the apple cart. But I think two pundits from the Northeast hit the nail on the head when they said people from New Hampshire like to keep their vote secret and it's not a federal offense to lie to a pollster.

I love it! That should become a national movement. If all Americans would stop agreeing to answer these pollsters, I think a lot of the money spent on these elections would drop significantly. Why? For one thing, candidates wouldn't have to put more ads out to respond to a drop in the polls. Their campaigns wouldn't have to pay for polling at all.

And the best part of all? IT WOULD DRIVE THE MEDIA CRAZY! Americans, let's take back our government by holding our cards close to the vest. Then they'll never know what hit them when we go all in for the candidate of OUR choice (not the media's...OURS).

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