Friday, January 11, 2008

This Country Needs a Diaper Change

Inspired by the humorous and brilliant cartoon above (created obviously before the New Hampshire results, since now Republican Mitt Romney is also calling for change), I hereby declare that America is long overdue for a diaper change!

Now we know that when the baby has done its "business" we not only throw out the business but the diaper, as well, IF it is disposable. So we need to ask ourselves, "Is our diaper (i.e., Washington insiders...the ones who carry the business) the kind we can wash out and launder? Or do we need a new set of diapers? And if so, should they be the cheapest name brand or the more expensive kind that are bio-degradable (i.e., uncontaminated by money, lobbyists, etc.)?

Think about it.

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